Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yamaha Blaster Blue Print


This recipe I've seen on Wired New York and was submitted by Nanino , which had seen the blog The Cucchiarelli of adel61 , the which he had seen on Coquinaria and whose author is Ro!

I do not like the leaven. Requires patience, knowing how to mix, measure out the yeast ... but are also the bodies that give more satisfaction you feel the dough under your hands change as you work, you see it grow ...

This in particular is a very simple and versatile dough. I'm going but I made some muffins is great for pizzatte, paninetti ...

250g flour 00
250gr Manitoba
50 gr. lard or 60 grams of extra virgin olive oil
35 gr.
20 grams of sugar. salt

25g fresh yeast
220 gr. Water Filling
(ham, anchovies, capers, olives, sausages, etc.) or sauce (chopped tomatoes with added diorigano, salt and oil)

In a container sift flour and sugar, add gradually the liquid oil. Begin kneading the salt and the last to enter. That the mixture by a ball and let rise one hour and a half. Take it and roll with a rolling pin to a thickness of half a cm and a pasta bowl of various sizes (5, 5.5 and 6 cm) make rods. Put them all on baking paper, brush with the tomato and add the stuffing preferita.Spolverare with salt, a drizzle of olive oil and oregano. With scraps of dough, roll into balls with which you have some good sandwiches for the buffet. Allow to rise again over an hour, then bake at 220 degrees for 15-20 minutes depending on your oven, ventilated if you double the pan, otherwise static.
I've had made with tomatoes and oregano put half "white" with rosemary.

(with this dose is about 30 pizzas or muffins)


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