Monday, February 14, 2011

Silver And Pink Wrapping Paper Ideas

Happy Valentine COUPLES TO OUR ...

The holiday is named after the saint and Christian martyr Valentine by Terni, and was established in 496 by Pope Gelasius The , replacing the previous pagan festival of Lupercalia . The modern practice of celebration of the festival, centered on the exchange of gifts and messages of love between lovers, probably dates to ' Middle Ages, and in particular could be attributed to the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer which took shape in the tradition of 'courtly love .
its dissemination, in soptrattutto France and England , contributed to the Benedictine , through the numerous monasteries them, being guardians of the Basilica di San Valentino in Terni the end of the second half of VII century .
Especially in countries of Anglo-Saxon culture, and for imitation elsewhere, the most characteristic feature of the feast of Valentine's Day is the exchange of valentine, love cards often shaped in the form of stylized hearts or according to other themes typical of the popular depiction of romantic love (the dove , the image of Cupid with bow and arrow, and so on). Since the nineteenth century , this tradition has fueled the industrial production and large-scale marketing of greeting cards dedicated to this event. The Greeting Card Association estimates that each year are dispatched the February 14 about a billion greeting cards, a number that falls this event in second place, as the number of tickets purchased and shipped after Christmas .
The anniversary of Valentine's Day has replaced the Christian era in the Roman Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15 ; these rituals, however, were devoted to fertility and love romantic. In 496 Pope Gelasius I dedicated on February 14 and the holy martyr St. Valentine, presumably for the purpose of Christianizing the Roman holiday. Although the figure of Saint Valentine is also known for the message of love brought to this holy, the specific association with romantic love and love is almost certainly back, and the question of its origin is controversial.
One of the most popular theory is that the interpretation of Valentine's Day like Valentine's Day should be attributed to the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer , which in Parliament of Birds associated with the recurrence of the engagement Richard II with Anne of Bohemia . However, scholars such as Henry Kelly and others have questioned this interpretation. In particular, the betrothal of Richard II would have to be placed May 3, the day dedicated to another saint of the same name of the martyr St. Valentine of Genoa .
There is no doubt however that in the middle of February is observed the first signs of reawakening of nature and in the Middle Ages, especially in France and England, it was believed that on that date began the mating of birds, and then the event lent to consider this the party degl'innamorati. Although still uncertain
the historical evolution of the anniversary, there are some historical references that suggest that Valentine's Day was dedicated for lovers since the early centuries of the second millennium . Among these is the foundation to Paris, February 14, 1400, the 'High Court of Love ", an institution based on the principles of courtly love. The court was to rule on disputes related to contracts of love, betrayal, and violence against women. The judges were selected based on their familiarity with the poetry of love.
The oldest "valentine" which has left traces back to fifteenth century, and was written by Charles d'Orléans , then held in the Tower of London after the defeat at the Battle of Agincourt ( 1415). Charles turns to his wife with the words: Je suis desja d'amour Tanne, but tres Doulce Valentinée ... .
use to send "valentine" in Anglo-Saxon world goes back at least to the nineteenth century . From the middle of the century in the United States some entrepreneurs like Esther Howland (1828 - 1904) started making Valentine's Day on an industrial scale, in turn, is Howland inspired a tradition before the original UK . It was the mass production of greeting cards to boost the marketing of the anniversary and at the same time, its penetration into popular culture. [3] [10] The process of continued marketing of the anniversary in the second half of the twentieth century , especially since the United States. The tradition of love tickets started to become secondary to the exchange of gifts like boxes of chocolates, flowers, jewelry or .

We hope to have made you appreciate what you know in the history of this great feast and the hope that this will be a memorable evening as the day of your wedding the staff of the photographic studio wish you happy Valentine's Day ...


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