Monday, October 25, 2010

Mizu No Zare Streaming

Mon 25 October, meeting with only

evening dedicated to the letter "F" on our vocabulary
the Commedia dell'Arte:
- the concept of 'vital flame' of the characters and their triple
nature takes shape in the mask.
1) Organic Life, weight / muscle, humanity,
domestically affected gravity and effort
(Artaud Theater, Shakespeare Theatre)
- Walking the refugee and his possession
2) Divine Life wire / puppet, asceticism,
heavenly origin that is attracted by the external stimulus
(Ritual Theatre, Cinema Muto)
- Awakening of Marcia and her puppet
3) alternate life, where they exchange so
tier, the two types of 'Flame'.
(Cinema Pasolini, Greenaway, Comedy and Theatre of the Absurd
- Chain of Mehjerchold


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