Thursday, November 26, 2009

Best Thing To Put With Ur Blunt Wrap

Via D'Amelio

moved and cry, it's something I always belonged.
Sometimes I live with embarrassment, thinking about it almost as a limit than ever I can fix.
This world that we have built up around then, or not announced the tragedies that follow us right into the house, leaves us no escape: Participate in shocking facts in size and criticality, it is now usual (unfortunately).
.... The afternoon program was (!) Of the most quiet, almost banal, a bit of reading and the usual TV from my couch, channel surfing from a digital TV, takes me instead Giovanni Minoli, good and accurate reporter in the investigations interesting.
Today: 57 days in Palermo, who spent the assassination of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino to that of men of their stocks.
I re-lived with a sense of anxiety these days terrible, the stories of the men killed and their families, who continue to live a pain that will never be ended.
emotion and anger alternated and confused so many times: No, I said to myself, that can not be Palermo, Beirut or Baghdad, or maybe it was .... Islamabad Palermo.
What then gave some sense of the drama, were the scenes of Palermo
the funeral, when the anger has literally exploded, police and carabinieri have barely been able to stop the crowd, who wanted at all costs to reach policy there to do justice, found to be inefficient, distracted, and perhaps complicit in the deaths of brave people.
I was impressed by the scene inside the cathedral, when the president, Scalfaro, and fled: Cops and Carabinieri Palermo tried to attack him, so many times you faced with other officials, escorting the President.
And then the tears of an entire city, humiliated by an inept and cowardly politicians, conniving with the plague that is the mafia.
'll never make it to Sicily to free themselves from bandits and people running in the soul? From Southern
are discouraged, it is sad, but I am forced to hope that the Leaguers are still in government, and ultimately realize their project: North and South really divided.
Maybe this is not the possibility of redemption.