Workshops to return from Uganda Vania
Mart Mon 14 and 15 laboratories have been working on concepts
of the Stanislavsky method
'Cone actor'. For our vocabulary
of the Commedia dell'Arte is the letter 'P'.
With this letter, the weight that the actor must
press, push, throw in the air to
the public to be able to communicate its message / emotion,
sense / experience to the public, in a cone very wide.
- Exercises of the elongated body in space and
ball around the torso, as an 'octopus'.
- Exercise of Gecko (for sustaining the weight
physical than the rest on the ground).
- Inputs 'Dead' - 'Live' with strength
mass of air that the actor moves.
Saltymbanco yoghurts and then began to 'sculpt' personal
few bars, to see how to apply Mask
shape and thrust of the character
to the public;
- Ludyka I have mounted the first 3 pages of text.
Every meeting, from now on, we will mount three or four pages,
to arrive in 8-10 meetings at the end of the Script (
mid or late May) and June have Cleaning and Flossing.